Challenger II

May 21, 2007

Tail Feathers looking good

Filed under: Uncategorized — pocomoonshine @ 8:34 pm

headscratching.jpgTonight we did lots and lots of covering of tail feathers.

 razor-trim.jpg        glue-end.jpg

All of the fabric is on the six pieces and they are all ironed.


Coming up next, more glue! (poly-tak)

Then, wait for more pieces to arrive. Originally scheduled to arrive this week, the factory has informed me that they are running a couple of weeks late.

BTW, any of these miniature pictures can be enlarged by just clicking on them.

May 14, 2007

Serious progress

Filed under: Uncategorized — pocomoonshine @ 8:05 pm

Yeehaa, we have gotten some real serious work done, the first piece covered!!

Drilling drilling.jpg  Taping all done tape.jpg

Quite a process, fun but scary. First we drill holes that will be used to attach hinges later, hopefully in the proper place. Then the sequence goes something like this: Hammer down all raised edges on the gussetts, wipe down with solvent (MEK), cover all sharp edges with sport tape, put the first layer of glue around the perimeter, pull the covering envelope over the frame and glue in place, iron the fabric to shrink it taut, cover the outside edges with more glue. Got all that?

Covering cover.jpgIroning to shrink fit. ironing.jpg

 Pretty exciting!!

May 10, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — pocomoonshine @ 9:00 am


Watching us build an airplane when things in our life are as busy as they can be, is going to be a lot like watching paint dry.

Just thought you needed to know.

On a brighter note, I got the work bench done and we will have 2 or 3 days “off” coming up. Onward to building!

May 5, 2007

The tail feathers have arrived !!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — pocomoonshine @ 7:25 am

arrival1.jpgIndeed we have received the first package of parts and pieces for our new airplane.

I got an excited call just before noon on friday announcing the new arrival. Work kept me from rushing home immediately, but it was hard to concentrate on what I was supposed to be doing.

Jean setting out partsFriday evening Jean and I unpacked the parts and completed the checklist, everything was there that was supposed to be there. It took another hour or so to get a grasp on how to get started, but by then it was late and we agreed that it wouldn’t be wise to start drilling holes in that condition. Tommorrow is another day.

Looking good!Saturday:  Things are much clearer this morning, glad we waited.

We had planned a trip to visit Jim, Cricket, Cooper and Ella today and tomorrow so actual construction will not start until Monday. We will pick up a few items that will make construction easier and better while on our trip.

Off to Spruce Head!

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