Challenger II

January 31, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — pocomoonshine @ 7:06 pm

spaghetti-wires.jpgThat is what Jean said when she saw all of the wires on the back of the panel.

January 25, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — pocomoonshine @ 9:43 pm

Finally back at completing some tasks, I have installed the Emergency Locator Transmitter. The ELT is what rescuers track if you put down in the woods. elt.jpgWhile there are several options for mounting the ELT, most emphasis is put on crash survivability. I decided to place it directly under the pilot’s seat figuring if I survive, so will the ELT. 

 Thanks to a few minutes here and a few hours there, I have finally finished the panel cutouts. Keith lent me his brand new hole cutters for the 3 1/8 and 2 1/4″ holes and I used my forsner bits for the rest. The square holes were cut in the shop on the scroll saw. Most of the instruments have been mounted, now on to connecting the numerous wires to where they belong. panel.jpg

January 6, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — pocomoonshine @ 7:36 pm

Now that our wonderful holidays are only fond memories, the airplane is back in the basement and ready to be worked on again.

More as that happens, thanks for staying tuned!

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